360° Group Leadership Program – The Empowered Professional

Program Outline:

You’ll learn from several experienced industry professionals and global leaders during the program, who will share their insights on the following topics.

  • Eagle Mindset – how are you showing up for yourself and others. Get ready to be able to discern whether you are the thought or the thinker.
  • Thinking Tactically and Strategically – learn the what, the when, and the why of these thinking styles to empower your decision-making capabilities.
  • Building Influence – learn how to be an influencer, without having to control situations and/or people.
  • Communication Style – learn how an individual’s leadership style is the way they communicate, motivate, and provide direction to those around them.
  • Belief Driven Leadership – learn how to get to the heart of what is fueling all the leadership actions you are taking or want to take.
  • Owning Your Brand – learn how to define your personal brand and the best way to share your authentic message to attract YOUR specific tribe.

On completion of this program, you’ll walk away with:

  • Tools, tactics, and frameworks to elevate your personal leadership and sense of purpose.
  • The skills to face workplace challenges, navigate change, and rise in the face of adversity.
  • Leadership strategies to negotiate effectively, and drive meaningful and sustainable change in the environments that you work in.
  • Access to a network of powerful and successful leaders.

Who Should Attend: Career professionals ready to elevate their skills and move towards self-mastery in various areas of their life.

When: Weekly Wednesday Sessions: October 12 to November 16, 2022, at 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM EST

Where: ZOOM Conference

October 12, 2022-6:30 pm-8:00 pm
Online Program

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